Sunrise at Napperby

MEDIUM: Alpaca fibre and satin kumihimo braided shoul-der strap. Metal handle can fold into bag as an alternative while shoulder strap is used. The bag is wet felted, embel-lished using needle felting techniques and the fabric is hand sewn into the metal frame. 

NARRATIVE: I have four alpacas and enjoy cleaning up their fleece and using food colouring to dye them in the sun. We live in the foothills of the Southern Flinders. The colours are a reminder of our garden when the sun strikes on flowers and pot plants early in the morning. Plants must be cared for as our land, although of red arable soil, seems to be getting dryer each year. Since the bushfires and floods in 2014, rainfall has become scarce. Water is our most valuable commodity in the bush. 

